Friday, May 4, 2012

My Transition to Natural Living

***I would like to say that I am choosing to be as natural as possible in my living. What you want to do, if anything, is certainly up to you!  I always say, "Do what works for you!".***

Deciding to live a natural lifestyle isn't really that hard, but it takes work and effort.  Unless you are wealthy and can pay to have everything done for you. :)

The first thing I did was commit to losing weight.  In doing that I had to cut a lot of unhealthy ingredients from my diet.  That was pretty easy for me.  Even though I am overweight, I still always ate pretty healthy.  It was the snacking that got me.  I CAN cook, but didn't LIKE to cook.  The only way I knew how to regulate what I put in my body was to start learning to love cooking again.  So taking over my diet was my initial step.  Years ago I did a vegetarian diet.  It didn't last because I was anemic and was not committed to taking supplements to regulate it correctly.  Now I am back on my journey to vegetarianism and it is pretty much a breeze.  I hardly eat meat anyway.  My obstacle is going to be eliminate dairy.  Oh dairy, how I love you, but you gotta go!  I can't wait to start sharing recipes!

The second thing I did was change how I cared for my hair and body.  Getting relaxers had to be eliminated.  If you don't know what a relaxer is click here.  You can also Google to find a lot of info about the harmful side effects if a relaxer is not done correctly.  I want to put it out there that I DO NOT have an problems with chemical processes or anyone that chooses to get them.  I just figured I didn't need them anymore.  I never had them done regularly in the first place.  Plus I was interested to see what my natural, God-given hair looked like.  On 1/2/12, big chopped (BCed) my hair and it is the best thing I have done in a while.  I am so in love with my hair now and I feel more like myself.  It has been a learning experience trying to figure out what products work on my hair.  In the process of doing that I started making my own products from natural ingredients.  Now I make my own hair, face and body products. Everything I use isn't all 100% natural or handmade yet, but I am getting there.  I am still a product junkie (PJ) and enjoy trying new things.

My next step is going to be making sure the household cleaning items I use are natural.  When I was doing my vegetarian diet years ago I would BUY cleaners that are "green".  Now I would like to start making my own.  I am sure it is possible and can't wait to see how that goes.

I have a son and he is 5.  I am sure you will get to know him more later.  He is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, PPD-NOS.  One of his issues is food.  He has oral sensitivity issues and will not tolerate certain textures.  Getting him on my same diet will be difficult and I have decided to not stress him or myself by forcing it on him.  I am just grateful he is eating solids because  about 2 or 3 years ago that was not the case.

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